Schema within a Schema: Use embedded documents in Mongoose/Mongo

Problems arise when working with embedded array

I previously discussed tips on working with embedded arrays in your Mongoose schema for your MongoDB.

I'd like to cover another tip that is potentially even more useful. Using a Schema inside a Schema which allows you to do updats easily that would be far more complex (and probably more costly in terms of performance) if you just were using a traditional array of objects inside a document inside your collection. Let's set up the two schemas, of which one will be used inside the other.

var Users = new Schema({
	_id       : ObjectId, //created automatically for us
	title     : String,
    body      : String,
    date      : Date

var Room = new Schema({
   _id       : ObjectId,
   name     : String, 
   info      : String, 
   date      : Date, 
   users  : [Users], 

mongoose.model('Rooms', Rooms);

The users key of the Rooms documents will then be an instance of DocumentArray. This is a special subclassed Array that can deal with casting, and has special methods to work with embedded documents.

Add an embedded document to an array

// create a user in a Room
var Room = new Rooms();

Room.users.push({ name: 'Joe' }); (err) {
  if (!err) console.log('Success!');

Remove an embedded document

Room.findById(roomId, function (err, room) {  		
	if (!err) {
    	//we can remove a user by Id rather than looping over an array 
    	room.users(_id).remove(); (err) {
  			// do something

Update an embedded document in an array

Room.findById(roomId, function (err, room) {  		
	if (!err) {
    	//we can find the user easily and update the name
    	room.users(_id).name = 'Bob'; (err) {
  			// do something

Using embedded documents in Mongoose will likely make your job of updating data inside an embedded array far easier. Go ahead, try it.